•Discuss how counseling differs from case management
Explain why case management is effective as an adjunct to co-occurring disorders treatment
•Identify the five core functions of treatment professionals using case management
• Identify the skills necessary to provide effective case management services
•Identify common causes for the breakdown of service coordination
•Understand a history of case management
•Define the various models of case management and describe how they are used with persons with co-occurring disorders
•Identify the eight principles of case management
•Effectively identify service gaps and establish and maintain relations with agencies and governmental entities who can address these unmet needs
•Identify information to be shared with referral sources and necessary documentation and/or releases to provide that information
•Evaluate the outcome of the referral
•Use clear and specific language that increase the likelihood of client follow through with the referral
•Establish realistic treatment and recovery expectations with the client
•Develop relationships with agencies in order to enhance case finding activities
•Differentiate between the services required during pretreatment, treatment and aftercare•Define the three interorganizational models of case management used in the community context
•Identify ways to effectively evaluate quality of care in case management programs
•Effectively identify clients who have "special needs"
•Identify the ways that each of the special needs impact the delivery of case management services•Identify referral resources in their communities.
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